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Parents and teachers read on. Although this section is for children, you are the one that can make the changes they need for their long-term health and fitness.

As children, your natural instinct is to jump around and play all the time. But you are often expected or asked to keep still for long, as in the classroom. VMove helps you talk to adults and make them understand that you want to and need to move more all day long, so that they can make some changes.

Remember, you can inspire your parents and other adults around you too and help them be healthier! Ask them to join you in spending more time outdoors when possible and playing sports and games that keep you moving. They can have fun with you too!


At Home

  • Show VMove to your parents and tell them you would like your family to adopt VMove.

  • Discuss with your parents when and where you can jump, run, or move actively

  • Ask them if you all can do regular sports, game or outdoor activities together as a family

At School

  • Don’t sit and talk during breaks, stand up and do something active (you can still be with your friends- inspire them to VMove too!)

  • Talk to your teacher about VMove, show them the information for classroom, and request if they can adopt VMove in your school.

  • Suggest having few minute breaks between classes where children can jog in place or dance to some music.

  • Suggest to move desks or go outside for a daily group exercise session of 10 minutes 

  • Suggest to allow students to stand and walk in place at the back or side of the class instead of sitting during class in a way that does not disturb your work or others

Public Places

  • When you feel like jumping or running, check with your parents or any adult you are with, when and where it is okay to do so. Have fun moving and be considerate of others. 

Teachers should adopt VMove to increase physical activity for children

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